Category: Phil Valentine Video Collection

Rev. Phil Valentine: Sexology (Metaphysics of Sex & Sensuality)

Rev Phil Valentine: Jesus Fact or Fiction

Rev. Phil Valentine: The Book Of Earth (Part 4) Cosmic Codex

Phil Valentine: Demelanizing the African Mind

Phil Valentine: The Deception of Medicine

Phil Valentine "Metaphysical War on Humanity"

Rev. Phil Valentine: Metaphysics of the Bible Pt. 3

Phil Valentine: Revenge of the Ghetto Scholar

Phil Valentine: Astrosophic Time Table of the Olmec Maya

Rev. Phil Valentine: The Book Of Earth (Part 3)

Rev Phil Valentine "Speaks about Barak Obama"

Phil Valentine "Unholy Creation of Fags & Dykes"

Rev. Phil Valentine "Tantric Sex"

Rev. Phil Valentine: Metaphysics of the Bible Pt. 4

Phil Valentine "Shadow Government Exposed"

Phil Valentine "Satanic Hoax Ritual Decoded"

Phil Valentine "Obama" The New World order Change!

"The Great Meeting of the Zulu Kemetic Moors"

Phil Valentine: The Tetragrammaton Part 2

Rev Phil Valentine "The Quintessence"

Phil Valentine & Saa Neter "Gendercide Vol 2"

Phil Valentine: Metaphysics of Deception

Phil Valentine "Deconstructing the Illusion of Consciousness""

Phil Valentine "The Psychology of Evil in Man"

Rev. Phil Valentine: Metaphysical Science of the Wounded Womb

Phil Valentine " Morphogenetic Deconstruction of Willie Chipism"

Phil Valentine " Hyper-Dimensional Warfare"

Phil Valentine " The Matrix"

Phil Valentine "Obama The New Old Order Pt 2"

Phil Valentine "First Annual UFO Conference"

Rev Phil Valentine "Transformation to a Dark Matter Paradigm"

Rev Phil Valentine "Metaphysics of Healing"

Rev Phil Valentine "Search for Historical Jesus"

Phil Valentine: The Dis-Equilibreum of Maat

Phil Valentine "Obama The New Old Order Pt 1"

Dr. Phil Valentine: Code Breakers

Rev Phil Valentine "Math of the Beast"

Phil Valentine "Nano Genetic Mind Control..."

Phil Valentine "Light-Code Transmissions (The Matrix)"

Rev Phil Valentine "The Metaphysics of DNA"

Phil Valentine: Operation Death March #3

Phil Valentine: Operation Death March HAARP Hurricane Katrina

Phil Valentine: Operation Death March #2 Inside the HAARP Program

Entire Phil Valentine Video Collection (70 DVDs)

Phil Valentine "Meta-Somatic Awaking of Self"

Phil Valentine: Master Codes of Enlightenment

Phil Valentine: The Persecuted Penis

Phil Valentine "Uniform Commercial Codes"

Phil Valentine: The Tetragrammaton

Phil Valentine: The Seat of Satan ~ The Throne of Rome

Bobby Hemmitt & Phil Valentine "Q & A"

Phil Valentine "Brink of Annihilation & Metaphysics of Deception"

Phil Valentine "The Effects of Slavery is Deep Within You"

Saa Neter & Phil Valentine "The Anatomy of Betrayal"

Phil Valentine: Genetic Ascension

The Great Cancer Scam "Dr. Nalani & Phil Valentine"

Phil Valentine: When you Dance with the Devil, Who Leads..??!! Pt. 3

Azzaziel, Bobby Hemmitt & Phil Valentine "Cosmic Alignment"

Phil Valentine & Delbert Blair N.W.O. on Planet Earth

Phil Valentine & Dr. Oyibo "Understanding the Kybalion"

Phil Valentine "The Wounded Womb"

Phil Valentine "Earth Alert - Global Report"

Phil Valentine "Vaccines That Kill"

Phil Valentine & Dr. Oyibo "Deep Mathematics & Metaphysics"

Rev. Phil Valentine "The Book of Earth Vol 2"

Azzaziel~Phil Valentine~Hakim Bey "The Great Meeting #2"

Phil Valentine "History of Christianity"

Phil Valentine "Passion of the Christ" Religious Mind Control

Phil Valentine "Metaphysics of Health & Nutrition" (11 Hours)

Phil Valentine "The Maddness of Religion" Freestyle

Rev. Phil Valentine: The Book Of Earth (Part 1)

Biography of Phil Valentine "History of Metaphysics"